Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Out of the coffee biz for good

Ashar is starting a new job soon and it is not with coffee! He only has been slingin' out coffee for the past 7 years! The new owners are running the shop on there own now.

Minus one

I took this photo on the 14th when he finally figured out his tooth was loose!
We had known for weeks as I noticed when I was flossing his teeth.
Then on the 16th, he was minus one tooth!

This is he tooth box he left under his pillow we got him. The tooth fairy left his $5! That is one cool tooth fairy! Now we have to make sure he does not yank all is other ones out to make money!
We now call him Gappy.

First lemonade stand!

We had a garage sale at our house and Dorian (with our help) did is first lemonade stand!
He had alot of fun doing it. Grandma & papa were his 1st customers. He did not say a single word to the customers, but gladly took there money and gave them change when needed. He made around $20 selling lemonade, soda, water and cookies. He even made us pay for our drinks and cookies we ate, even though WE paid for the stuff. He is like the soup nazi, hahah!

County Fair

We headed to the county fair last week, it was great fun as always.
We played carnival games, saw the animals, ate fairy floss (AKA: cotton candy) and a HUGE and delicious elephant ear!
Here are photos, click here.


I found this quote and thought it was oohhh so true!

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. ~Leo J. Burke

Sunday, August 10, 2008

6 years

Dorian had his 6th birthday on Aug 3!
We had a wonderful birthday party for him. He had heaps of fun.
Here are lots of photos, just click here.

He is fun

Just some new random photos. Click here. Enjoy!

Our cheeky monkey!