So much has been going on the last few weeks that I haven't had a moment to sit down to post. Speaking about posting on the blog, as you know we have 2 blogs, this one and Relections On Dorian. I have decided to merge the blogs. I always have a hard time picking what should go on what blog.
It is hard to seperate life and homeschooling, it all blends and so therefore we will just have Life with the __________. On to the fun stuff, we are all doing wonderful. Ash started his 4th week at BI inc., as most know the first position he took with a company that was hired by Apple did not pan out. It was not what he was looking for, alot of nonsense going on there. He is enjoying his position and it is nice as we can have lunch with him as his lunch is 1 hour long. It has been an adjustment for all of us getting use to not working together daily, but we are all making it. We have been busy on the weekend having fun or just relaxing at home. During the week Dori and I are busy at home doing school or out and about at fun places, of course 12 is reserved for lunch with daddy.
Here are some photos from the past few weeks.
Dorian and Kait outside watering the plants

Bubble chasing

This cat is at the park we go to during Ash's lunch break.
It is such a sweet cat! It follows us everywhere like a dog.

Children's Museum with Kait and cousin Shelby

Annual Bulb day at a local garden center

Dorian and Ash playing the wii