Saturday, October 06, 2012

Seattle 2012

Th boys playing on the bed.Chilling out in the hotel room. :)Downtown SeattleHuge bear in a toy store.Wall artDSC_0615
DSC_0614The famous gum wall in downtown SeattleAll made out of gum!All gum!DSC_0548DSC_0547
DSC_0546Dorian and mum, he is almost as tall as me!Pike Place!DSC_0536The boys headed down a steep streetDSC_0534
DSC_0533Wall artOur loot for the Lego store!

Seattle 2012, a set on Flickr.

Our trip to Seattle.

Double Digits!


Double Digits!, a set on Flickr.

Here are Dorians birthday photos. :)

Summer 2012-catch up

Camping trip 2012! We had a lot of fun. 

Dorian, Ash and Wyatt

The group around the fire
 Cousins playing cards
 Playing football

We went toobing a few times this summer. We loved it!

 Dorian and Uncle James

Jaylinn and Dorian roasting toast in the fire. :)

The Samueljans toobin!

The 3 of us camping.