Sunday, April 11, 2010


"are babies humans?"

~question from Dorian 4-6-2010

"Starbucks, what a horrible name. They just want to scam all your bucks away from you! They should have called it Starsteals!"

~Dorian 3-27-2010

Ash says "bloody hell" when he gets frustrated, so Dorian last night was playing a game with Ash on the Xbox and shouted out at the TV, "Bloody hair!".


Easter 2010!

Another Easter come and gone! We had such a wonderful Easter, this was the first Easter in OUR home! There will be many, many more to come.

Dorian Easter morning with the loot the bunny left him!
Hosted our first egg hunt at our house. Some of Dorian's cousin's made it.
Our beautiful boy.

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Easter dinner at grandma and papa's house

We had Easter dinner at grandma and papa's house. Had a great time as usual. Here are some photos!

Grandma and Dorian
All the "grandkids" waiting for a present from grandma and papa.
Checking out all the cool stuff they got!

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