Monday, December 22, 2008

Almost 13'' (33 cm) of snow! More photos to come.






Anonymous said...

Auntie Karen and Uncle Bob from Sacramento here! Since we got your card I have been visiting your BLOG - What a fabulous way to get updates from you and watch Dorian grow up! Thank you for refering us to it; we will visit it often especially now that we are both unemployed! Love to all!!!

Anonymous said...

Ash, Erin, and Dorian,
As you can see I am the 'anonymous' one LOL. Is it obvious that I am not BLOG savy?
I must read up on this - its not like I don't have the time for it =). Do you have any BLOGing tips?

April Chapman said...

Hello!!! Auntie Karen and Uncle Bob from Sacramento here! Since we got your card I have been visiting your BLOG - What a fabulous way to get updates from you and watch Dorian grow up! Thank you for refering us to it; we will visit it often especially now that we are both unemployed! Love to all!!!